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According to an appeals court in Georgia, parents may be held responsible for their children's bad behavior on Facebook and other forms of social media. The case involves a fake...
In a case of first impression, a New Jersey state appeals court has ruled that an 11-year-old boy would not be held liable for breaking an opposing player's arm during...
A Chatham man was killed and a fuel tanker truck driver was in critical condition after a fiery wreck on Route 78. A man driving an Audi A4 from the Garden...
Carbon monoxide poisoning killed two people and injured 12 others Saturday afternoon at a Passaic music studio, according to the mayor. The two individuals who died were in a room...
With three out of four drivers believing that hands-free technology is safe to use, Americans may be surprised to learn that these popular new vehicle features may actually increase mental...
A class-action lawsuit over Chrysler Dodge Ram Recalls due to Chrysler defective steering was met with denial by the automaker in court, as Chrysler lobbied to have all 11 complaints...
A U.S. District Judge ruled in favor of the NCAA and four major professional sports leagues last Friday and issued a permanent injunction to prevent New Jersey casinos and racetracks from...
GM hides defect and allows woman to go to jail Texas judge cleared Candice Anderson of her negligent homicide plea after her Saturn Ion crashed in 2004, killing her fiancée Michael Erickson....
Raymond Gill & Peter Chamas have been featured in the November-December edition of Industry Magazine for New Jersey. Please read more at the link below. The article titled "Ray of...
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a black box warning against using laparoscopic power morcellators in the removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) or fibroids (myomectomy) in the vast...
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